Driver's Education 2024
The Driver’s Education Class is certified through the State of Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles. To take this class you will need to be 14 before October 14. The student will need to pass both the driving and the online course. The class will consist of 30-36 hours of online instruction, 5 hours of supervised practice driving, and a 10–15-minute driving test. The lecture part of the class will be the AAA How to Drive Online Course. You will need to email me at to sign up for the class. The fee for the class is $295. Payment will be needed before you receive your pass code for the online class. Once you have completed the practice driving part of the course, we will meet in Exeter to take the driving test. Once you have completed the online class and email me the Certificate of Completion, I will enter you
into the DMV system. We will do the driving part of the class this summer. You need to sign up by May 15. Please make checks payable to Dean Filipi. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Filipi at 402-853-1968.